Gender Update
UPDATE 22.02.2023:
So I got myself a skirt some matching stockings and... ever since I keep wearing those in my free time. Even did get some panties and some nice smelling parfume. I feel quite comfortable in the female clothes, and confident in undergoing HRT if that is to be recommended by a professional.
Went to a birthday party of my best friend, I talked to my circle of closest friends about these feelings that have been pestering me for a while now. They were all very supportive of me, stating that they'd love me however I feel to be.
I have applied for a gender counseling from a buero in Berlin. I'm looking forward to this part. I'll grow my hair a bit aswell for a potential androgynous Hairstyle. It was a lot of fun going out in Stockings or Armwarmers for breakfast. I intend to take some female clothes with me to the birthday of one of my transfriends, Sofia, feeling okay with maybe crossdressing publicly there... I'll update you on that topic once it gets to it.
That said I'm not even sure if I'll be actually posting this publicly.